Winter Meeting of the Board of Trustees
February 25, 2021
Virtual Meeting
Schedule of Meetings
8:30 a.m. EST
Audit and Compliance Committee (Public Session)
Immediately following the public session, the committee will convene in a nonpublic, executive session pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated §4-35-108
11:00 a.m. EST
Education, Research and Service Committee
Immediately following the public session, the committee will convene in a nonpublic, executive session pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated §4-35-108
1:30 p.m. EST
Finance and Administration Committee
Immediately following the public session, the committee will convene in a nonpublic, executive session pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated §4-35-108
3:30 p.m. EST
Board of Trustees – Winter Meeting
Immediately following the public session, the committee will convene in a nonpublic, executive session pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated §4-35-108